Client Testimonials

  • "Erin was our doula for the birth of our first child and she was incredible! She was with us throughout every stage of the process, offering insight and support, and walking us through every possible option or decision we would have to make. Erin’s guidance allowed us to feel calm, prepared, and empowered to make decisions, even in a world that felt very new to us as first time parents! As for the actual birth, Erin completely respected our wishes and offered countless tools and coping strategies for us to use to allow us to have an unmedicated birth experience - we couldn’t have done it without her! She provided unwavering support for both myself and my husband, and served as a barrier between us and our midwives to ensure we had the knowledge to make informed decisions at all times. I am so grateful we had Erin by our side - we would recommend her support to anyone, helping to ensure everyone can have a positive birth experience for both birthing parents and partners! Thank you Erin!!"

    -Nicole, Birth Client

  • "Erin is wonderful! I was looking for a doula to help boost my odds of a VBAC. I was hoping to get support during the whole labor process as we had an entirely different experience with our first kiddo and going through a planned C-section. She provided a ton of resources in preparation leading up to birth. And she was amazing while I was in labor. She was a champ for providing counter pressure every single contraction! She had lots of ideas for positioning and working through each stage of labor. Her encouragements as things got tough really helped me get through to seeing our baby boy. She better be available for any of our future kids because I could not have done it without her :) "

    -Taylor, Birth Client

  • "My journey with Erin started fairly early in my pregnancy. I was having some issues with my healthcare provider and felt very out of control of my own care. I knew I needed some extra support and guidance. Erin was the perfect person for me. She has a very unique ability to be a leader and take charge in a situation without comprimising emapthy or flexibility. She is passionate about the birth experience and all the ways you can support a birthing person through pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. She gives the best advice while also leaving space for you to follow your instinct, and she emphasizes the power of a parent's instinct. With Erin in my corner I felt empowered to birth my baby. I knew that in those out of control moments, the ones where you need a safety net, she was a rock. She has a solution for everything: every question, every worry, every insecurity. She exudes "mama bear energy." I am wowed by Erin's ability to be supportive to me as the birthing person and to my husband as my birthing partner. She made us feel safe. When I think of my birth story, I'll always remember how amazing Erin was and how lucky we were to have her there."

    -Sydney, Birth Client

  • "We really loved working with Erin. When we started our search for a doula, it was important to us to find someone who understood our active lifestyles and who would support a more evidence based approach to birth. Erin was fantastic on both fronts. She gave us a lot of information on what to expect during the birth process and the choices available without any bias. She respected our choice to use pain relief; but also let me labor stubbornly for a while without it. At the end of the day, I felt like I had experienced what I wanted to. During birth, she navigated and arranged for different props, bath tub time, and pushed on my hips and back to help relieve the pain. She took turns with my partner to keep him rested and ready to support me. She was on top of the situation when our daughter needed a little more help breathing after coming out. After birth she was a terrific mentor in how to care for our newborn and answered all of our questions. Erin helped us the first time we had to bathe our daughter, showed us how to use different child carriers, and demonstrated different soothing techniques. She also walked me through different postpartum exercises and help me get on my way back to hiking and climbing. From my parnter: Erin was a great guide in parenthood. She not only provides support for mothers and babies but helps fathers. Her advice helped me feel more confident as a dad. She was essential after the baby was born to learning all of the latest information and techniques. "

    -Stephanie, Birth and Postpartum Client

  • "Erin was a gift to have for both birth and post-partum care. She loves her work, and it shows in both the level of care received and her professionalism throughout our work with her. With Erin’s guidance, I had a birth plan that I was very comfortable with and felt her guidance would get me through the birthing process. Things did not go as planned and I had an early emergency c-section. Erin was right there when the procedure was done, offering her support, helping me stayed focused on the positive, and supporting me to build a strong breast-feeding relationship with my baby. She worked well with both my husband and me through the entire experience and was a great communicator. We also had Erin as a post-partum doula and for overnight care. Erin is a baby whisperer, and my baby was immediately comfortable with her. She consistently offered advice I could trust for the many issues faced as a new parent and listened to and consoled me as I vented. Her work with both my baby and me gave me so much confidence and I knew we were in the best of care. My husband and I worked with Erin for 5 months, and we really miss her. We would hire her again in an instant and believe hiring her was one of our best birthing/early parenthood decisions."

    -Lisa, Birth and Postpartum Client

  • "Erin's expertise and warmth were invaluable during our postpartum days. I always looked forward to her coming over, when I'd get to rest knowing that our baby was in caring, competent hands. Her confident manner and ability to read and soothe our daughter gave me peace of mind and freed me up to sleep, work, and get in some much needed self-care time. She answered countless questions and calmed my postpartum worries with helpful tips and recommendations. I would recommend her to any parent, and especially new ones. She's a trustworthy and attentive caregiver, and has a deep well of knowledge on all things baby-related. When Erin is there, you know that everything is going to be okay! :)"

    — Echo, Postpartum Client

  • "We were matched with Erin for our Doula. We were first time parents and pretty uncertain about the whole process. Erin was amazing! She addressed all of our concerns and made making our birth plan very easy. She had a lot of resources we could read and then make educated decisions on what we wanted to do. She also had great knowledge of many birth centers around us. Erin also was super intentive leading up to the due date. I'm so glad she was in the delivery room with me. She was so helpful in helping me relax, as well encourage me to do different laboring positions that supported what my birth plan was. Erin made sure I had a voice in the delivery room. I would hire her all over again. I couldn't imagine anyone else I would want by my side during this amazing experience. Erin came over for a postpartum visit and was super helpful. I was very thankful for the support during the weeks after my birth. "

    -Courtney, Birth Client

  • “Erin was an amazing birth and postpartum doula! During my pregnancy, she did an excellent job at giving me suggestions on how to prepare mentally and physically for the birth of our second child. For example, she provided me birth exercises, mantras for labor, or shared resources for lactation consultants. During the labor, she helped me stay calm, comfortable and supported. She brought music, tea lights and massage oil to massage my feet. Once delivery got intense, she stayed by my side to help give me some hip pain relief and moral support with mantras. She also advocated for me to the nurses on staff for my birth plan. With her guidance and coaching, I was able to achieve my intention of an unmedicated birth. For postpartum support, she provided self-care suggestions for recovery, taking the baby while I shower or nap, helped with laundry and meal prep etc. I also hired her to do the placenta encapsulation and she made the whole process seamless! I can't say enough to express how thankful I was to have Erin at my side and highly recommend her as a birth or postpartum doula!"

    — Lillian, Birth and Postpartum Client

  • “Erin was so helpful throughout my pregnancy and postpartum! When I thought I might have to be induced the same day we met in person, she didn't hesitate to help me get my house in order instead of her usual first-time meeting. Luckily I didn't have to be induced that day but her calm state and quick action grounded me and set the tone for how my actual birth would be. Erin is lovely, smart, and capable! I'm so happy she was there to guide me and make my birthing space more peaceful. She really knows what she's doing!'

    — Lindsey, Birth Client

  • "We were going to be first time parents and didn't have a ton of time to research all the things to do while laboring in the hospital. We found Erin and immediately knew she would be great. She has a calming and laid back personality, has lots of great information and is always willing to talk about what we would and were experiencing. She came to the hospital with lots of tools to try out various calming techniques, we found a couple positions and massages that worked well for us. In addition to helping mom feel at ease, she gave very helpful tips to new dad during labor too. Overall we were so happy to have her with us and are happy to give her our recommendation."

    -Stephanie, Birth Client

  • "I hired Erin on a Sunday and gave birth the following Tuesday. My baby came 6 weeks early. Erin was by my side the whole time on such crazy short notice. She brought all kinds of things to distract me from labor along with helping me figure out how to manage labor (never got to take any classes...) she was incredibly reasonable and calming to work with. Postpartum she was a listening ear and great resource to figure out breastfeeding. I am so glad she was my doula!!!"

    -Keri, Birth Client

  • "We absolutely loved working with, Erin! She's warm, affriming, knowledgeable and committed. I especially appreciated Erin's guidance in our prenatal sessions. By asking questions about our upcoming delivery, she helped to put us both mentally and emotionally at ease, as well as give us a sense of ownership over our labor delivery (eventhough there's so much out of your control). She also gave me strategies for helping to get baby in an optimal position. During labor and delivery, she assisted with some early decision making, which I greatly appreciated her support. In delivery she was a calming and encouraging presence by my side. She also took photos and took care of getting and transporting the placenta. It should be said that this was my second pregnancy and delivery. The delivery of our first was especially challenging and left us both with a lot of anxiety around the whole experience. The compassion and calm she showed helped us enormously, and in which we felt more in control. I highly recommend Erin!"

    -Jane, Birth Client

  • "Erin worked with us as both a night and daytime doula over the first 10 weeks of our daughters life. She was suuchhh a great help and steady support for us!! She has a can-do attitude, is friendly, kind, thoughtful, and an easy presence to have in your home. During the days she would help with laundry, cooking, baby care, baby feeding, and more. At night she would either bring baby to me or give a bottle when I started pumping. She was great at settling baby when she woke but didn't need a feeding. In scheduling, she was super flexible and accomodating. She gave us good advice on any baby Qs we had. I'd recommend her to anyone!"

    -Caitlin, Postpartum Client

  • "Erin has been such a gift to our family as our postpartum and night doula. As first time parents, we had no idea what to expect with this collaboration and entrusting someone with our twin boys but she was so caring, calming, invested, patient and treated our boys like her own. Her caring and loving energy allowed the boys to feel comfortable and with our busy, demanding schedule she was adaptable, flexible, a great problem solver and effective communicator. We cannot emphasize how wonderdul of a doula Erin is. We highly recommend Erin for any expectant families."

    -Katya, Postpartum Client