Strength Coaching

Erin has been coaching since 2016. She is a certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism coach and certified Professional Barbell Coach and on staff with Barbell Logic Online Coaching. Erin is knowledgeable in supporting women through the challenges of staying active during pregnancy and coming back to movement during the postpartum period. She knows first hand the trials of new motherhood and is ardent to support women on their road to lifelong athleticism.

Erin loves the overlap of strength coaching and doula work, as exercise/movement and optimal fetal positioning go hand in hand and is an essential component in the ease of labor and delivery. Erin has training in Spinning Babies and incorporates their philosophies when working with pregnant athletes.

One on one consultation

Do you need some assistance getting started? Looking for a workout program tailored to your specific needs? You’re in luck! This is a fantastic option for pregnant or postpartum mama’s looking for a home workout plan.

  • Initial 45 minute zoom to discuss your training history and develop a plan to meet your goals. Call/text/email support.

  • Emailed workout program plus 3 modifications as your needs change.

  • $300 initial program and consultation.

  • $75 per month after initial package includes one modified program and call/text/email support.

Online Coaching

Would you like to work together more extensively? Join my rooster at Barbell Logic Online Coach. Here at BLOC you will receive weekly programming and video feedback on all of your lifting. I am passionate that lifting should fit into our lives. Hiring a coach can help you navigate life’s obstacles so you can reap the benefits of building strength!

“As a mom of two with unaddressed diastasis recti, and a person who values physical fitness but needs direction and accountability, working with Erin was nothing short of perfect. She took my individual fitness level, health, and other needs into account when designing my training plan, and knew when to push me vs. when I needed to be given a little grace.”

-Christian Krutsinger, personal training client